Friday, February 10, 2012

NBA All-Stars

It's NBA All-Star season....congrats to Dirk! :)

I have to eat my words from several blog posts ago....when I named Delonte West to the NBA All-Ugly Team. I retract that...and would like to replace him with several others: Luis Scola, Marcin Gortat, Chris "Birdman" Anderson, Chris Bosh, Manu Ginobili, and I believe that is all for now. I hope Kevin Garnett is already on that list. If not, he needs to be added to it, along with Gerald Wallace (Scottie Pippen's twin).

I mean...who wants to look at this

A VERY belated Welcome to ...

Delonte, Vince, and Lamar!


A lot has happened since December 2009. The Year 2010 brought a house fire where I lost pretty much everything. 2011 was my rebuilding well as...

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Can we invoke a rule in the NBA where sharp objects are NOT allowed? I am convinced Chris "Birdman" Andersen's hair could do some serious damage to someone's arm or eye. He is one scary looking mofo - between the asinine hair and insane amount of hieroglyphics covering his body.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

NBA All-Hottie Team 2K10

It's only fair I share the All-Hottie team, too...

Chris Paul, Jason Kidd (I'm biased), Raja Bell, Wally Sczerbiak, and Carmelo Anthony are the starters. The Sixth Man is Chauncey Billups. Coming off the bench are Kyle Korver, Dwight Howard, Rodrigue Beaubois (biased), Tony Parker, Tyson Chandler, and LeBron James.

Head Coach for the Hotties is Pat Riley. His assistants are Rick Fox and Ben Wallace (he's required to wear corn-rows).

NBA All Ugly Team 2K10

Here are my picks for the Ugliest NBA Team:

The Gasol brothers (Marc and Pau), Andrei Kirilenko (AK47), Luis Scola, and Chris Andersen are the starters. The Sixth Man has got to be Delonte West. Coming off the bench are Mike Miller, Robert Swift, Robin Lopez (Sideshow Bob), Chris Kaman, Hedo Turkoglu, Joakim Noah, Manu Ginobili, and Zaza Pachulia.

Head Coach is Sam Cassell. Assistant Coaches are Cadillac Anderson and George Muresan.

Team Captain is Pau Gasol (and yes, Marc is insanely jealous).

Saturday, December 5, 2009