Friday, February 16, 2007

DickWade hardly the leader...

Should you open your big fat mouth when your team is hardly the reigning NBA champions they claim to be? Where's the leadership, DWade? You can't take the heat when big daddy (aka Shaq) isn't around to bail you out? Granted the Mavericks went down miserably in the finals - they have come back stronger than ever. Can the same be said for the Heat? DWade criticized Dirk's leadership qualities in the championship. Perhaps he (DW) should focus on his OWN leadership - or lack thereof. Mark Cuban fired back with, "I know Shaq appreciates your leadership as well. He called out your team a few weeks ago saying it was "embarassing'. Great leadership DWade. Your coach sat players for being fat. I guess you couldnt lead them away from the buffet." Kudos! Advice for DWade: Shut up and be a leader to your sub-par team.

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