Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fairweather Fans

It's rather shiteous to me that "they" are deciding who the MVP is based on ONE game...hmm, case in point: last night's Phoenix v. Mavericks. How quick "they" have forgotten Dirk's heroics the LAST time, in December, when the two teams met! Granted - Nash is a rather phenomenal player, but there are plenty of OTHER well-qualified leaders on OTHER NBA teams that bring it - and are overlooked. No - let's turn the other way - and go the easy road. Nash has been graced with the MVP title 2 years in a row - has he done anything just outstanding to deserve it a third time? If he can teleport the basketball into the basket - then he's got my vote. I have yet to see him wiggle his nose and something just absolutely freaking fantastic happens.

Marcel Mutoni, Charley Rosen, Bright Side of the Sun, and Lang Whitaker are a bunch of bandwagon jumpers. I don't think this was "THE BIGGEST GAME OF THE SEASON." Why don't you save that moniker for the title game - and see who gets there. That's the leader who deserves the MVP title. It's the second week of March - not June.

1 comment:

mutoni said...

i'm actually not a mavs fan. although, i do think that dirk looks cute when he chokes in the clutch :)