Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Enough Already...

Stop with the Dirk bashing!

Yes, he's been off kilter. Yes, he hasn't been his MVP self lately. There are 14 other members of the Dallas Mavericks squad that were signed for reasons other than benchwarming. If Dirk is off, the others should step it up.

But...answer me this....

Name 1 NBA player (past or present) that is 24/7/365 hot and NEVER has a cold spell. One that never misses a shot. One that is never mishandling the ball. One that never makes a mistake.

And one last thing to say: At your job, do you perform 110% 24/7/365 with extreme flawlessness? I think N-O-T. So, get off your @$$ and play NBA bball and see what it's like to get knocked around. Then perhaps you'll stop your whining, b!tching, and complaining about #41.

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