Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hail to the Chief!

ESPN and the great Marcel Mutoni are reporting that Dirk Nowitzki will accept the MVP award next week - Tuesday to be exact. The League has delayed the trophy presentation to put some distance between the award and the shocking way in which the Dallas Mavericks exited stage left courtesy of the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the Playoffs.

The MVP-to-be said, "I'm sure 20 years from now or whatever, to see that in the [record] books, it's an amazing achievement. But right now, it's hard. Obviously, you can't feel good about the way our season ended."

"I thought this was such an incredible year. We won 67 games and then to lose in the first round, it just feels so empty right now," he adds.

Dirk will be the first European-born player to win the NBA's Most Valuable Player award.

He averaged 24.6 points, 8.9 rebounds, and shot over 50% from the field during the regular season.

As for the disappearing act in the playoffs, I hope the big German gets the help of a sports psychologist in the off-season.

Congratulations on the award, Dirk. I never stopped believing.

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